Quotes & anectdotes from the wise, the foolish, the courageous & the drunk


Being the boss anywhere is lonely. Being a female boss in a world of mostly men is especially so. 50 thoughts from Robert Frost

In politics women type the letters, lick the stamps, distribute the pamphlets and get out the vote. Men get elected. 11 sayings from Clare Boothe Luce

It is little men know of women their smiles and their tears alike are seldom what they seem. 5 sayings from Amelia Barr

Some women flirt more with what they say, and some with what they do. 5 wisdom & wit from Anna Held

They say that women talk too much. If you have worked in Congress you know that the filibuster was invented by men. 11 views from Clare Boothe Luce

This man is frank and earnest with women. In Fresno, he's Frank and in Chicago he's Ernest. 16 views from Henny Youngman

Whatever women do, they must do twice as well as men to be half as good. Luckily, this is not difficult. 3 more quotes from Charlotte Whitton

Women know what men have long forgotten. The ultimate economic and spiritual unit of any civilization is still the family. 11 other sayings from Clare Boothe Luce

A man who pretends to understand women is bad manners. For him to really to understand them is bad morals. 10 more wisdom & wit from Henry James

As to the deceit perpetrated upon women, let it pass, for, when love is in the way, men and women as a general rule dupe each other. 4 wisdom & wit from Giacomo Casanova

Children, I grant, should be innocent but when the epithet is applied to men, or women, it is but a civil term for weakness. 6 quotes from Mary Wollstonecraft

Grace in women has more effect than beauty. 38 quotes from William Hazlitt

I measure the progress of a community by the degree of progress which women have achieved. 6 wisdom & wit from B. R. Ambedkar

I've always liked men better than women. 21 quotes from Bette Davis

Kindness in women, not their beauteous looks, shall win my love. 18 other wisdom & wit from Washington Irving

Men and women must be educated, in a great degree, by the opinions and manners of the society they live in. 6 other quotes from Mary Wollstonecraft

Men are April when they woo, December when they wed. Maids are May when they are maids, but the sky changes when they are wives. 81 other views from William Shakespeare

Men become much more attractive when they start looking older. But it doesn't do much for women, though we do have an advantage: make-up. 21 sayings from Bette Davis

Men like women who write. Even though they don't say so. A writer is a foreign country. 4 thoughts from Marguerite Duras

Men mourn for what they have lost women for what they ain't got. 42 other quotes from Josh Billings

Men's vows are women's traitors! 81 quotes from William Shakespeare

Only men who are not interested in women are interested in women's clothes. Men who like women never notice what they wear. 20 quotes from Anatole France

Strong women only marry weak men. 21 thoughts from Bette Davis

The story of the human race is the story of men and women selling themselves short. 7 wisdom & wit from Abraham Maslow

Those men get along best with women who can get along best without them. 25 quotes from Charles Baudelaire

Women like to sit down with trouble - as if it were knitting. 4 sayings from Ellen Glasgow

Women may fall when there's no strength in men. 81 quotes from William Shakespeare

Women, if the soul of the nation is to be saved, I believe that you must become its soul. 4 quotes from Coretta Scott King

A great city is that which has the greatest men and women. 30 more views from Walt Whitman

I have thought a sufficient measure of civilization is the influence of good women. 135 wisdom & wit from Ralph Waldo Emerson

It is our duty as men and women to proceed as though the limits of our abilities do not exist. 5 sayings from Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

Middle-aged women have greater stability, they are more loyal, and their capacity for steady work is greater than that of younger women. 7 quotes from Kate Smith

Never was it given to mortal man - To lie so boldly as we women can. 43 more quotes from Alexander Pope

Our duty, as men and women, is to proceed as if limits to our ability did not exist. We are collaborators in creation. 5 sayings from Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

The age of a woman doesn't mean a thing. The best tunes are played on the oldest fiddles. 135 other thoughts from Ralph Waldo Emerson

The most efficient water power in the world - women's tears. 10 thoughts from Wilson Mizner

The most virtuous women have something within them, something that is never chaste. 53 more quotes from Honore de Balzac

There are some women whose pregnancy would make some sly bachelor smile. 53 quotes from Honore de Balzac

To generalize on women is dangerous. To specialize on them is infinitely worse. 2 wisdom & wit from Rudolph Valentino

When women are encouraged to be competitive, too many of them become disagreeable. 6 quotes from Benjamin Spock

Whether women are better than men I cannot say - but I can say they are certainly no worse. 14 other wisdom & wit from Golda Meir

Women are naturally secretive, and they like to do their own secreting. 14 quotes from Arthur Conan Doyle

Women are not in love with me but with the picture of me on the screen. I am merely the canvas on which women paint their dreams. 2 quotes from Rudolph Valentino

Women have no sympathy and my experience of women is almost as large as Europe. 4 sayings from Florence Nightingale

Women prefer to talk in twos, while men prefer to talk in threes. 52 sayings from Gilbert K. Chesterton

Women want love to be a novel, men a short story. 2 sayings from Daphne du Maurier

A man has a tendency to accept you the way you are, while most women immediately start to pick flaws and want to change you. 53 thoughts from Marilyn Monroe

Black men don't like to be called 'boys,' but women accept being called 'girls.' 53 views from Marilyn Monroe

I don't know who invented high heels, but all women owe him a lot. 53 quotes from Marilyn Monroe

I have always had a talent for irritating women since I was fourteen. 53 other thoughts from Marilyn Monroe

I'd much rather be a woman than a man. Women can cry, they can wear cute clothes, and they're the first to be rescued off sinking ships. 4 other quotes from Gilda Radner

Intimacies between women often go backwards, beginning in revelations and ending in small talk. 10 other sayings from Elizabeth Bowen

So much has been said and sung of beautiful young girls, why doesn't somebody wake up to the beauty of old women. 7 more quotes from Harriet Beecher Stowe

The natural superiority of women is a biological fact, and a socially acknowledged reality. 6 wisdom & wit from Ashley Montagu

To be born woman is to know - although they do not speak of it at school - women must labor to be beautiful. 28 views from William Butler Yeats

When it comes to gossip, I have to readily admit men are as guilty as women. 53 wisdom & wit from Marilyn Monroe

Women need not always keep their mouths shut and their wombs open. 10 quotes from Emma Goldman

Women who seek to be equal with men lack ambition. 53 quotes from Marilyn Monroe

Women who seek to be equal with men lack ambition. 53 quotes from Marilyn Monroe

America is a land where men govern, but women rule. 2 thoughts from John Mason Brown

Clever and attractive women do not want to vote they are willing to let men govern as long as they govern men. 115 views from George Bernard Shaw

Every man needs two women: a quiet home-maker, and a thrilling nymph. 9 sayings from Iris Murdoch

If women were particular about men's characters, they would never get married at all. 115 other quotes from George Bernard Shaw

Let us leave pretty women to men devoid of imagination. 18 other quotes from Marcel Proust

Men and women are not born inconstant: they are made so by their early amorous experiences. 14 quotes from Andre Maurois

The fickleness of the women I love is only equalled by the infernal constancy of the women who love me. 115 quotes from George Bernard Shaw

The trouble with women umpires is that I couldn't argue with one. I'd put my arms around her and give her a little kiss. 12 more sayings from Casey Stengel

To a philosopher all news, as it is called, is gossip, and they who edit and read it are old women over their tea. 117 quotes from Henry David Thoreau

Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea. 14 quotes from Robert A. Heinlein

Women love always: when earth slips from them, they take refuge in heaven. 9 thoughts from George Sand

Yet consider now, whether women are not quite past sense and reason, when they want to rule over men. 7 quotes from John Calvin

A family is a unit composed not only of children but of men, women, an occasional animal, and the common cold. 14 quotes from Ogden Nash

A man can be short and dumpy and getting bald but if he has fire, women will like him. 31 other quotes from Mae West

A women who doesn't wear perfume has no future. 16 more quotes from Coco Chanel

I don't know why women want any of the things men have when one the things that women have is men. 16 other quotes from Coco Chanel

I want to make a policy statement. I am unabashedly in favor of women. 24 sayings from Lyndon B. Johnson

Most women are not as young as they are painted. 10 more quotes from Max Beerbohm

The simplest of women are wonderful liars who can extricate themselves from the most difficult dilemmas with a skill bordering on genius. 4 quotes from Guy de Maupassant

The use of the atomic bomb, with its indiscriminate killing of women and children, revolts my soul. 20 wisdom & wit from Herbert Hoover

There is a pride, a self-love, in human minds that will seldom be kept so low as to make men and women humbler than they ought to be. 22 more sayings from Samuel Richardson

To conclude that women are unfitted to the task of our historic society seems to me the equivalent of closing male eyes to female facts. 24 thoughts from Lyndon B. Johnson

When women go wrong, men go right after them. 31 more thoughts from Mae West

Women are nothing but machines for producing children. 50 more sayings from Napoleon Bonaparte

Women do not often fall in love with philosophers. 22 quotes from Samuel Richardson

Women lie about their age men lie about their income. 22 sayings from William Feather

Women would rather be right than reasonable. 14 quotes from Ogden Nash

Women's Lib? Oh, I'm afraid it doesn't interest me one bit. I've been so liberated it hurts. 11 quotes from Lucille Ball

From sixteen to twenty, all women, kept in humor by their hopes and by their attractions, appear to be good-natured. 22 other thoughts from Samuel Richardson

The Cause of Women is generally the Cause of Virtue. 22 quotes from Samuel Richardson

Women are always most observed when they seem themselves least to observe, or to lay out for observation. 22 thoughts from Samuel Richardson

Women love to be called cruel, even when they are kindest. 22 more quotes from Samuel Richardson

A women knows how to keep quiet when she is in the right, whereas a man, when he is in the right, will keep on talking. 6 more quotes from Malcolm De Chazal

Bachelors know more about women than married men if they didn't they'd be married too. 60 thoughts from H. L. Mencken

If women believed in their husbands they would be a good deal happier and also a good deal more foolish. 60 thoughts from H. L. Mencken

Like all sciences and all valuations, the psychology of women has hitherto been considered only from the point of view of men. 3 sayings from Karen Horney

Love is an emotion that is based on an opinion of women that is impossible for those who have had any experience with them. 60 other quotes from H. L. Mencken

Men get to be a mixture of the charming mannerisms of the women they have known. 14 other quotes from F. Scott Fitzgerald

Men have a much better time of it than women. For one thing, they marry later for another thing, they die earlier. 60 other wisdom & wit from H. L. Mencken

Men now monopolize the upper levels... depriving women of their rightful share of opportunities for incompetence. 21 other sayings from Laurence J. Peter

Nature has given women so much power that the law has very wisely given them little. 63 quotes from Samuel Johnson

One can find women who have never had one love affair, but it is rare indeed to find any who have had only one. 90 sayings from Francois de La Rochefoucauld

That's the nature of women, not to love when we love them, and to love when we love them not. 21 more wisdom & wit from Miguel de Cervantes

The faces of most American women over thirty are relief maps of petulant and bewildered unhappiness. 14 more quotes from F. Scott Fitzgerald

The generality of virtuous women are like hidden treasures, they are safe only because nobody has sought after them. 90 sayings from Francois de La Rochefoucauld

The only really happy folk are married women and single men. 60 quotes from H. L. Mencken

There are few virtuous women who are not bored with their trade. 90 sayings from Francois de La Rochefoucauld

When women kiss it always reminds one of prize fighters shaking hands. 60 views from H. L. Mencken

Women always excel men in that sort of wisdom which comes from experience. To be a woman is in itself a terrible experience. 60 thoughts from H. L. Mencken

Women have simple tastes. They get pleasure out of the conversation of children in arms and men in love. 60 wisdom & wit from H. L. Mencken

Women's virtue is frequently nothing but a regard to their own quiet and a tenderness for their reputation. 90 wisdom & wit from Francois de La Rochefoucauld

You can find women who have never had an affair, but it is hard to find a woman who has had just one. 90 more quotes from Francois de La Rochefoucauld

A woman is like a tea bag - you can't tell how strong she is until you put her in hot water. 30 wisdom & wit from Eleanor Roosevelt

Ah, women. They make the highs higher and the lows more frequent. 103 more quotes from Friedrich Nietzsche

All women become like their mothers. That is their tragedy. No man does. That's his. 100 more sayings from Oscar Wilde

Anyone who says he can see through women is missing a lot. 29 quotes from Groucho Marx

As usual, there is a great woman behind every idiot. 17 thoughts from John Lennon

Behind all their personal vanity, women themselves always have an impersonal contempt for woman. 103 sayings from Friedrich Nietzsche

Between men and women there is no friendship possible. There is passion, enmity, worship, love, but no friendship. 100 other quotes from Oscar Wilde

Faithful women are all alike, they think only of their fidelity, never of their husbands. 7 more quotes from Jean Giraudoux

Few women, I fear, have had such reason as I have to think the long sad years of youth were worth living for the sake of middle age. 33 quotes from Dwight D. Eisenhower

Genteel women suppose that those things do not really exist about which it is impossible to talk in polite company. 103 quotes from Friedrich Nietzsche

I see when men love women. They give them but a little of their lives. But women when they love give everything. 100 quotes from Oscar Wilde

It is the most sensual men who need to flee women and torment their bodies. 103 more views from Friedrich Nietzsche

It is true that a fellow cannot ignore women - but he can think of them as he ought - as sisters, not as sparring partners. 5 more views from Jim Elliot

It is women who love horror. Gloat over it. Feed on it. Are nourished by it. Shudder and cling and cry out-and come back for more. 6 quotes from Bela Lugosi

Man does not control his own fate. The women in his life do that for him. 29 quotes from Groucho Marx

Men always want to be a woman's first love - women like to be a man's last romance. 100 sayings from Oscar Wilde

Men marry because they are tired women, because they are curious both are disappointed. 100 other thoughts from Oscar Wilde

Men should only believe half of what women say. But which half? 7 quotes from Jean Giraudoux

Stupid as a man, say the women: cowardly as a woman, say the men. Stupidity in a woman is unwomanly. 103 other quotes from Friedrich Nietzsche

The battle for the individual rights of women is one of long standing and none of us should countenance anything which undermines it. 30 sayings from Eleanor Roosevelt

The man who loves other countries as much as his own stands on a level with the man who loves other women as much as he loves his own wife. 36 other quotes from Theodore Roosevelt

There are only two types of women - goddesses and doormats. 29 views from Pablo Picasso

Women are considered deep - why? Because one can never discover any bottom to them. Women are not even shallow. 103 quotes from Friedrich Nietzsche

Women are like teabags. We don't know our true strength until we are in hot water! 30 quotes from Eleanor Roosevelt

Women are made to be loved, not understood. 100 thoughts from Oscar Wilde

Women are never disarmed by compliments. Men always are. That is the difference between the sexes. 100 more quotes from Oscar Wilde

Women have a predestination to suffering. 6 views from Bela Lugosi

Women love us for our defects. If we have enough of them, they will forgive us everything, even our gigantic intellects. 100 quotes from Oscar Wilde

Women should be obscene and not heard. 29 more views from Groucho Marx

Women, can't live with them, can't live without them. 15 quotes from Desiderius Erasmus

You women could make someone fall in love even with a lie. 6 wisdom & wit from Georg Buchner

A man is given the choice between loving women and understanding them. 7 views from Ninon de L'Enclos

All the reasonings of men are not worth one sentiment of women. 78 wisdom & wit from Voltaire

Deprived of meaningful work, men and women lose their reason for existence they go stark, raving mad. 10 views from Fyodor Dostoevsky

Elections are won by men and women chiefly because most people vote against somebody rather than for somebody. 8 other sayings from Franklin P. Adams

Emancipation of women has made them lose their mystery. 2 sayings from Grace Kelly

I hate women because they always know where things are. 78 more quotes from Voltaire

I'm not denyin' the women are foolish. God Almighty made 'em to match the men. 52 quotes from George Eliot

If we mean to have heroes, statesmen and philosophers, we should have learned women. 5 other quotes from Abigail Adams

It is easier for women to succeed in business, the arts, and politics in America than in Europe. 14 more quotes from Hedy Lamarr

It is strange that modesty is the rule for women when what they most value in men is boldness. 7 quotes from Ninon de L'Enclos

Italians come to ruin most generally in three ways, women, gambling, and farming. My family chose the slowest one. 9 thoughts from Pope John XXIII

Long before history began we men have got together apart from the women and done things. We had time. 25 sayings from C. S. Lewis

Money and women are the most sought after and the least known about of any two things we have. 57 quotes from Will Rogers

People don't have fortunes left them in that style nowadays men have to work and women to marry for money. It's a dreadfully unjust world. 10 quotes from Louisa May Alcott

Some women feel the best cure for a broken heart is a new beau. 12 other thoughts from Gene Tierney

The Bible and the Church have been the greatest stumbling blocks in the way of women's emancipation. 9 wisdom & wit from Elizabeth Cady Stanton

The happiest women, like the happiest nations, have no history. 52 quotes from George Eliot

The prolonged slavery of women is the darkest page in human history. 9 other views from Elizabeth Cady Stanton

The religious superstitions of women perpetuate their bondage more than all other adverse influences. 9 quotes from Elizabeth Cady Stanton

The true republic: men, their rights and nothing more women, their rights and nothing less. 8 other quotes from Franklin P. Adams

Very learned women are to be found, in the same manner as female warriors but they are seldom or ever inventors. 78 views from Voltaire

Women are repeatedly accused of taking things personally. I cannot see any other honest way of taking them. 5 quotes from Marya Mannes

Women have been called queens for a long time, but the kingdom given them isn't worth ruling. 10 quotes from Louisa May Alcott

Women think with their whole bodies and they see things as a whole more than men do. 4 more quotes from Dorothy Day

Women's natural role is to be a pillar of the family. 2 quotes from Grace Kelly

You can't raise the standard of women's morals by raising their pay envelope. It lies deeper than that. 10 quotes from Billy Sunday

It takes people a long time to learn the difference between talent and genius, especially ambitious young men and women. 10 views from Louisa May Alcott

As to honor - you know - it's a very fine mediaeval inheritance which women never got hold of. It wasn't theirs. 14 quotes from Joseph Conrad

Being a woman is a terribly difficult task, since it consists principally in dealing with men. 14 thoughts from Joseph Conrad

Brigands demand your money or your life women require both. 68 more views from Samuel Butler

Friends are generally of the same sex, for when men and women agree, it is only in the conclusions their reasons are always different. 46 more wisdom & wit from George Santayana

Good-humoured, unaffected girls, will not do for a man who has been used to sensible women. They are two distinct orders of being. 21 quotes from Jane Austen

I do not believe in using women in combat, because females are too fierce. 18 other thoughts from Margaret Mead

I like intelligent women. When you go out, it shouldn't be a staring contest. 10 other wisdom & wit from Frank Sinatra

I think that maybe if women and children were in charge we would get somewhere. 14 quotes from James Thurber

I will not say that women have no character rather, they have a new one every day. 14 more thoughts from Heinrich Heine

Many societies have educated their male children on the simple device of teaching them not to be women. 18 quotes from Margaret Mead

Men get laid, but women get screwed. 8 sayings from Quentin Crisp

Most women set out to try to change a man, and when they have changed him they do not like him. 10 sayings from Marlene Dietrich

No longer shall I paint interiors with men reading and women knitting. I will paint living people who breathe and feel and suffer and love. 7 other thoughts from Edvard Munch

No nation can rise to the height of glory unless your women are side by side with you. 5 quotes from Muhammad Ali Jinnah

No struggle can ever succeed without women participating side by side with men. 5 more views from Muhammad Ali Jinnah

One mustn't ask apple trees for oranges, France for sun, women for love, life for happiness. 30 other sayings from Gustave Flaubert

San Francisco is a mad city - inhabited for the most part by perfectly insane people whose women are of a remarkable beauty. 12 quotes from Rudyard Kipling

Single women have a dreadful propensity for being poor. Which is one very strong argument in favor of matrimony. 21 quotes from Jane Austen

The main difference between men and women is that men are lunatics and women are idiots. 11 more views from Rebecca West

There are certainly not so many men of large fortune in the world, as there are pretty women to deserve them. 21 quotes from Jane Austen

There are no ugly women, only lazy ones. 2 sayings from Helena Rubinstein

When men and women agree, it is only in their conclusions their reasons are always different. 46 quotes from George Santayana

Women are wiser than men because they know less and understand more. 14 other quotes from James Thurber

Women can stand a beating except when it is with their own weapons. 68 quotes from Samuel Butler

Women hold up half the sky. 12 sayings from Mao Zedong

Women want mediocre men, and men are working to be as mediocre as possible. 18 sayings from Margaret Mead

You can tell the strength of a nation by the women behind its men. 75 views from Benjamin Disraeli

A Bachelor of Arts is one who makes love to a lot of women, and yet has the art to remain a bachelor. 23 more wisdom & wit from Helen Rowland

A homely face and no figure have aided many women heavenward. 4 more quotes from Minna Antrim

All the men in my family were bearded, and most of the women. 24 other sayings from W. C. Fields

Charm, in most men and nearly all women, is a decoration. 26 sayings from E. M. Forster

I would go out with women my age, but there are no women my age. 21 other views from George Burns

If everybody in this town connected with politics had to leave town because of chasing women and drinking, you would have no government. 9 thoughts from Barry Goldwater

If women didn't exist, all the money in the world would have no meaning. 6 wisdom & wit from Aristotle Onassis

In Hollywood, the women are all peaches. It makes one long for an apple occasionally. 29 other thoughts from W. Somerset Maugham

No doubt exists that all women are crazy it's only a question of degree. 24 more wisdom & wit from W. C. Fields

No one is more arrogant toward women, more aggressive or scornful, than the man who is anxious about his virility. 12 thoughts from Simone de Beauvoir

The history of men's opposition to women's emancipation is more interesting perhaps than the story of that emancipation itself. 30 more quotes from Virginia Woolf

The most mediocre of males feels himself a demigod as compared with women. 12 views from Simone de Beauvoir

The struggles waged by nations are weak only when they lack support in the hearts of their women. 7 other quotes from Jose Marti

The truth is, I often like women. I like their unconventionality. I like their completeness. I like their anonymity. 30 other quotes from Virginia Woolf

Were there no women, men might live like gods. 3 quotes from Thomas Dekker

When you see what some women marry, you realize how they must hate to work for a living. 23 sayings from Helen Rowland

Why are women... so much more interesting to men than men are to women? 30 quotes from Virginia Woolf

Wives are young men's mistresses, companions for middle age, and old men's nurses. 67 other sayings from Francis Bacon

Women are always eagerly on the lookout for any emotion. 14 quotes from Stendhal

Women are like elephants. I like to look at 'em, but I wouldn't want to own one. 24 quotes from W. C. Fields

Women desire six things: They want their husbands to be brave, wise, rich, generous, obedient to wife, and lively in bed. 6 other quotes from Geoffrey Chaucer

Women have served all these centuries as looking glasses possessing the power of reflecting the figure of man at twice its natural size. 30 views from Virginia Woolf

A fact of modern life is that it takes women longer to get ready than men. 14 other quotes from Jessica Savitch

Black women sharing close ties with each other, politically or emotionally, are not the enemies of Black men. 9 quotes from Audre Lorde

But the true feminist deals out of a lesbian consciousness whether or not she ever sleeps with women. 9 more quotes from Audre Lorde

But what of black women?... I most sincerely doubt if any other race of women could have brought its fineness up through so devilish a fire. 3 wisdom & wit from W. E. B. Du Bois

I also use women as a sex object maybe I'm kinky. However, I like to talk to them as well. 5 wisdom & wit from Oliver Reed

I've always had the impression that real militants are like cleaning women, doing a thankless, daily but necessary job. 4 quotes from Francois Truffaut

I've exercised with women so thin that buzzards followed them to their cars. 33 more views from Erma Bombeck

In love, women are professionals, men are amateurs. 4 sayings from Francois Truffaut

Men are by nature merely indifferent to one another but women are by nature enemies. 29 other quotes from Arthur Schopenhauer

Men are governed by lines of intellect - women: by curves of emotion. 11 sayings from James Joyce

Men cannot count, they do not know that two and two make four if women do not tell them so. 31 thoughts from Gertrude Stein

Men, their rights, and nothing more women, their rights, and nothing less. 14 wisdom & wit from Susan B. Anthony

Most women put off entertaining until the kids are grown. 33 more quotes from Erma Bombeck

My advice to the women of America is to raise more hell and fewer dahlias. 3 quotes from William Allen White

Nature makes woman to be won and men to win. 6 quotes from George William Curtis

Oh, if I could but live another century and see the fruition of all the work for women! There is so much yet to be done. 14 more quotes from Susan B. Anthony

On one issue at least, men and women agree they both distrust women. 24 other quotes from James Russell Lowell

Reputation is what men and women think of us character is what God and angels know of us. 31 quotes from Thomas Paine

Resolved, that the women of this nation in 1876, have greater cause for discontent, rebellion and revolution than the men of 1776. 14 sayings from Susan B. Anthony

The latest wrinkle is on wrinkles. There is a widespread belief that women can't grow old in television news. 14 more quotes from Jessica Savitch

The marvel of all history is the patience with which men and women submit to burdens unnecessarily laid upon them by their governments. 30 other quotes from George Washington

The strength and power of a country depends absolutely on the quantity of good men and women in it. 45 thoughts from John Ruskin

The test of civilization is its estimate of women. 6 quotes from George William Curtis

The trouble with life is that there are so many beautiful women and so little time. 12 quotes from John Barrymore

Women didn't want to watch other women on television because they were jealous of their husbands' diverted attention. 14 wisdom & wit from Jessica Savitch

Women may not have it easy, but we are given a fairer chance to reach for the top. 14 more quotes from Jessica Savitch

Women were seldom given quality assignments or adequate air time. 14 other thoughts from Jessica Savitch

Women, as they grow older, rely more and more on cosmetics. Men, as they grow older, rely more and more on a sense of humor. 12 other thoughts from George Jean Nathan

Women, we might as well be dogs baying the moon as petitioners without the right to vote! 14 quotes from Susan B. Anthony