Eva Gabor (6)
I'm a workaholic. Before long I'm traveling on my nervous energy alone. This is incredibly exhausting.
232 more sayings regarding being alone
Galileo Galilei (7)
If I were again beginning my studies, I would follow the advice of Plato and start with mathematics.
204 quotes regarding education
Mahatma Gandhi (100)
Before the throne of the Almighty, man will be judged not by his acts but by his intentions. For God alone reads our hearts.
232 thoughts regarding being alone
Indira Gandhi (5)
Anger is never without an argument, but seldom with a good one.
56 quotes about anger
Greta Garbo (4)
I never said, 'I want to be alone.' I only said, 'I want to be left alone.' There is all the difference.
232 views regarding being alone
Jerry Garcia (4)
Death comes at you no matter what you do in this life, and to equate drugs with death is a facile comparison.
320 quotes about death
Stephen Gardiner (13)
Georgian architecture respected the scale of both the individual and the community.
62 other thoughts about architecture
William Lloyd Garrison (4)
The compact which exists between the North and the South is a covenant with death and an agreement with hell.
320 other quotes regarding death
Marcus Garvey (7)
I have no desire to take all black people back to Africa there are blacks who are no good here and will likewise be no good there.
420 other quotes about being good
Jose Ortega y Gasset (4)
An 'unemployed' existence is a worse negation of life than death itself.
320 other quotes about death
Carl Friedrich Gauss (3)
The enchanting charms of this sublime science reveal only to those who have the courage to go deeply into it.
158 views relating to courage
Theophile Gautier (3)
Art is beauty, the perpetual invention of detail, the choice of words, the exquisite care of execution.
212 quotes relating to beauty
John Gay (2)
The comfortable estate of widowhood is the only hope that keeps up a wife's spirits.
212 quotes about hope
Marvin Gaye (4)
Most fear stems from sin to limit one's sins, one must assuredly limit one's fear, thereby bringing more peace to one's spirit.
270 other quotes about fear
Martha Gellhorn (2)
It would be a bitter cosmic joke if we destroy ourselves due to atrophy of the imagination.
178 wisdom & wit regarding imagination
Jean Genet (5)
I recognize in thieves, traitors and murderers, in the ruthless and the cunning, a deep beauty - a sunken beauty.
212 quotes about beauty
Henry George (4)
The methods by which a trade union can alone act, are necessarily destructive its organization is necessarily tyrannical.
232 more quotes about being alone
A. Bartlett Giamatti (2)
A liberal education is at the heart of a civil society, and at the heart of a liberal education is the act of teaching.
204 sayings regarding education
Edward Gibbon (14)
I was never less alone than when by myself.
232 wisdom & wit relating to being alone
Khalil Gibran (56)
Art is a step from what is obvious and well-known toward what is arcane and concealed.
421 views about art
Andre Gide (22)
It is unthinkable for a Frenchman to arrive at middle age without having syphilis and the Cross of the Legion of Honor.
247 other thoughts regarding aging
Charlotte Perkins Gilman (2)
To attain happiness in another world we need only to believe something, while to secure it in this world we must do something.
340 thoughts about happiness
Allen Ginsberg (3)
My own experience is that a certain kind of genius among students is best brought out in bed.
174 more sayings regarding experience
Jean Giraudoux (7)
I'm not afraid of death. It's the stake one puts up in order to play the game of life.
320 other quotes regarding death
Lillian Gish (2)
A happy life is one spent in learning, earning, and yearning.
132 wisdom & wit relating to learning
William E. Gladstone (7)
Liberalism is trust of the people tempered by prudence. Conservatism is distrust of the people tempered by fear.
270 thoughts relating to fear
Ellen Glasgow (4)
It is lovely, when I forget all birthdays, including my own, to find that somebody remembers me.
24 other thoughts regarding birthday
Jackie Gleason (2)
The second day of a diet is always easier than the first. By the second day you're off it.
19 wisdom & wit regarding diets
William Godwin (5)
Government will not fail to employ education, to strengthen its hands, and perpetuate its institutions.
204 more wisdom & wit about education
Nikolai Gogol (2)
Always think of what is useful and not what is beautiful. Beauty will come of its own accord.
212 views regarding beauty
Emma Goldman (10)
Politics is the reflex of the business and industrial world.
198 thoughts about business
Oliver Goldsmith (8)
Friendship is a disinterested commerce between equals love, an abject intercourse between tyrants and slaves.
163 thoughts about friendship
Barry Goldwater (9)
American business has just forgotten the importance of selling.
198 sayings about business
Samuel Goldwyn (16)
Here I am paying big money to you writers and what for? All you do is change the words.
170 other views about change
Maxim Gorky (4)
Only mothers can think of the future - because they give birth to it in their children.
165 quotes regarding the future
Martha Graham (5)
'Age' is the acceptance of a term of years. But maturity is the glory of years.
247 more quotes about aging
Kenneth Grahame (2)
After all, the best part of a holiday is perhaps not so much to be resting yourself, as to see all the other fellows busy working.
353 more quotes about best
Antonio Gramsci (2)
I'm a pessimist because of intelligence, but an optimist because of will.
137 wisdom & wit regarding intelligence
Ulysses S. Grant (6)
Labor disgraces no man unfortunately, you occasionally find men who disgrace labor.
491 other sayings about men
Robert Graves (4)
What we now call 'finance' is, I hold, an intellectual perversion of what began as warm human love.
32 more wisdom & wit about finance
Thomas Gray (2)
Poetry is thoughts that breathe, and words that burn.
230 wisdom & wit relating to poetry
Graham Greene (11)
Morality comes with the sad wisdom of age, when the sense of curiosity has withered.
247 thoughts about aging
Joyce Grenfell (2)
Happiness is the sublime moment when you get out of your corsets at night.
340 thoughts regarding happiness
Zane Grey (5)
Love grows more tremendously full, swift, poignant, as the years multiply.
12 quotes relating to anniversary
Franz Grillparzer (6)
Although your knowledge is weak and small, you need not be silent: since you cannot be judges be at least witnesses.
257 thoughts regarding knowledge
Lewis Grizzard (2)
I grew up in a very large family in a very small house. I never slept alone until after I was married.
232 other views relating to being alone
Sacha Guitry (5)
The best way to turn a woman's head is to tell her she has a beautiful profile.
353 quotes about best
William Gurnall (4)
Godliness, as well as the doctrine of our faith, is a mystery.
240 other quotes regarding faith