The only reason anyone goes to Broadway is because they can't get work in the movies. 21 thoughts from Bette Davis
Adding sound to movies would be like putting lipstick on the Venus de Milo. 3 thoughts from Mary Pickford
And in movies you must be a gambler. To produce films is to gamble. 2 quotes from Douglas Sirk
Movies are a fad. Audiences really want to see live actors on a stage. 11 more wisdom & wit from Charlie Chaplin
I don't take the movies seriously, and anyone who does is in for a headache. 21 other thoughts from Bette Davis
A film is never really good unless the camera is an eye in the head of a poet. 15 sayings from Orson Welles
My interest in film is sort of catholic - apart from science fiction and horror movies, I'll watch almost everything. 22 other wisdom & wit from James Dyson
Everything I learned I learned from the movies. 14 more thoughts from Audrey Hepburn
Violent behavior exists in one's psychological makeup much deeper than the level that receives information from television or movies. 5 other wisdom & wit from Richard King
A film is a petrified fountain of thought. 24 more quotes from Jean Cocteau
Movies are an art form that is very available to the masses. 5 more quotes from Richard King
I'm not impressed by someone's degree... I'm impressed by them making movies. 5 more wisdom & wit from Richard King
I was so young, and making movies, going to the studio every morning at dawn was magic. 4 sayings from Natalie Wood
A wide screen just makes a bad film twice as bad. 16 quotes from Samuel Goldwyn
A good film is when the price of the dinner, the theatre admission and the babysitter were worth it. 9 quotes from Alfred Hitchcock
A lot of movies are about life, mine are like a slice of cake. 9 wisdom & wit from Alfred Hitchcock
Why should people go out and pay money to see bad films when they can stay at home and see bad television for nothing? 16 thoughts from Samuel Goldwyn
The length of a film should be directly related to the endurance of the human bladder. 9 quotes from Alfred Hitchcock
Give me a couple of years, and I'll make that actress an overnight success. 16 more quotes from Samuel Goldwyn
The movies are the only business where you can go out front and applaud yourself. 57 other quotes from Will Rogers
There's only one thing that can kill the movies, and that's education. 57 other views from Will Rogers
Dance, vaudeville, drama, movies - as a child I loved everything that went on in a theater. 12 other quotes from James Broughton
I never enjoyed working in a film. 10 sayings from Marlene Dietrich
Film spectators are quiet vampires. 14 more quotes from Jim Morrison
Even if I set out to make a film about a fillet of sole, it would be about me. 4 sayings from Federico Fellini
Later on they send me to Hollywood. To make movies. It was all new to me. I was only 21 years old. 19 wisdom & wit from Elvis Presley
Those movies sure got me into a rut. 19 more sayings from Elvis Presley
Too much TV hurts movies. 19 views from Elvis Presley
When I was a boy, I always saw myself as a hero in comic books and in movies. I grew up believing this dream. 19 other sayings from Elvis Presley
Even though I make those movies, I find myself wishing that more of those magic moments could happen in real life. 8 sayings from Jane Seymour
I sure lost my musical direction in Hollywood. My songs were the same conveyer belt mass production, just like most of my movies were. 19 sayings from Elvis Presley
Film lovers are sick people. 4 other thoughts from Francois Truffaut