I am an Anglo-Catholic in religion, a classicist in literature and a royalist in politics. politics & religion
I said to my soul, be still, and wait without hope, For hope would be hope for the wrong thing. hope
Where is all the knowledge we lost with information? knowledge
Art never improves, but... the material of art is never quite the same. art
You are the music while the music lasts. music
This love is silent. love
For love would be love of the wrong thing there is yet faith, But the faith and the love and the hope are all in the waiting. faith, hope & love
A play should give you something to think about. When I see a play and understand it the first time, then I know it can't be much good. being good & time
It is only in the world of objects that we have time and space and selves. time
We know too much, and are convinced of too little. Our literature is a substitute for religion, and so is our religion. religion
The communication of the dead is tongued with fire beyond the language of the living. communication
The last thing one discovers in composing a work is what to put first. work
Genuine poetry can communicate before it is understood. poetry
Home is where one starts from. home
Where is the Life we have lost in living? Where is the wisdom we have lost in knowledge? Where is the knowledge we have lost in information? knowledge, life & wisdom
Knowledge is invariably a matter of degree: you cannot put your finger upon even the simplest datum and say this we know. graduation & knowledge
Business today consists in persuading crowds. business
Our high respect for a well read person is praise enough for literature. respect
I will show you fear in a handful of dust. fear
I don't believe one grows older. I think that what happens early on in life is that at a certain age one stands still and stagnates. aging
I had seen birth and death but had thought they were different. death
There is no method but to be very intelligent. intelligence
Poetry should help, not only to refine the language of the time, but to prevent it from changing too rapidly. poetry & time